Cultures that just don’t die
The Most Stubborn Cultures in History

Admittedly, all cultures are resilient in their own shape and form, but with my previous two articles being so research-heavy and long, I’m going to write about a few interesting stories from history about cultures that just didn’t die! Besides, history isn’t just a bunch of uptight and boring collections of facts, but also an entire genre of cool events that are like a wild fiction novel. Without further or do, these stories highlight some of the most resilient cultures in history.
Mani Peninsula: The Last Pagans
The Spartans; feared for their military strength, and respected for their battle harden society, actually survived for more than a thousand years in their descendants, the Maniots. Living in the Mani Peninsula south of Sparta, the Maniots managed to keep their autonomy throughout the rule of several major empires. First Rome, then their successors in the form of Constantinople, and finally the Ottomans, the Mani Penisula survived through negotiations and good old Spartan valour.